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匹配条件: “Roxana Banda Noriega” ,找到相关结果约1747条。
Gestión del agua subterránea en el Barrio Cerro Los Leones de Tandil (Argentina)
Rodriguez,Corina Iris; Jacinto,Guillermina; Ruiz de Galarreta,Alejandro; Banda Noriega,Roxana;
Ciencia, docencia y tecnolog?-a , 2010,
Abstract: the groundwater management in a peripheral neighborhood in tandil -cerro los leones-(buenos aires province, argentina), deprived of water supply and sewer, its social actors and the resource exploitation and use are considered in this paper. previous studies have shown chemical and bacteriological water contamination which generates a health risk for population. water exploitation and use conditions are characterized pointing out several faults in design, construction and maintenance of wells and cesspits. facing the needs and the challenge posed by an integrated water resource management, several guidelines aimed to sustainability were defined, including water use planning, drinking water supplying, boreholes design and environmental education.
Aporte de la hidroquímica al modelo conceptual del sistema hídrico subterráneo: Tandil, Argentina
Rosario Soledad Barranquero,Marcelo Varni,Alejandro Ruiz de Galarreta,Roxana Banda Noriega
Geoacta , 2012,
Abstract: El presente trabajo parte del objetivo de caracterizar y analizar la hidroquímica del agua subterránea en un área de estudio delimitada en la cuenca del arroyo Langueyú, a fin de contribuir al dise o del modelo conceptual del sistema hídrico subterráneo. Para la concreción de este objetivo se trabajó con una red de monitoreo de 30 perforaciones, en la cual se efectuaron mediciones de nivel y toma de muestras con frecuencia cuatrimestral. Se determinaron la conductividad eléctrica específica, el pH, los iones mayoritarios y nitratos. Los resultados muestran que las aguas del área de estudio son jóvenes, dado su bajo contenido salino y el predominio del ión bicarbonato. Se concluye que las variables hidroquímicas, al igual que las hidrodinámicas, presentan una importante dependencia de las zonas de sierras, piedemonte y llanura, definidas en base a características geomorfológicas. Se evidencia también que el estudio de la hidroquímica puede ser utilizado como una herramienta complementaria al análisis hidrodinámico, posibilitando incluso visualizar comportamientos que no son tan evidentes con este último. This work is aimed to describe and analyze the chemistry of groundwater in a study area located in Langueyú creek basin, in order to contribute with the design of the conceptual model of the groundwater system. To achieve this objective, the phreatic levels were measured and groundwater samples were taken with a quaterly frecuency in a monitoring network of thirty wells. The specific electrical conductivity, pH, major ions and nitrate, were determined. The results showed that groundwater of the study area is young, because of its low salinity and the predominance of bicarbonate ion. The hydrochemical variables, as well as hydrodynamic ones, have a significant dependence of hills, foothills and plains zones, defined through geomorphological characteristics. It is evident that the study of hidrochemistry can be used as a complementary tool to the hydrodynamic analysis, enabling even display behaviors that are not so evident with the latter.
Gestión del agua subterránea en el Barrio Cerro Los Leones de Tandil (Argentina)
Corina Iris Rodriguez,Guillermina Jacinto,Alejandro Ruiz de Galarreta,Roxana Banda Noriega
Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología , 2010,
Abstract: En este trabajo se describen y analizan los actores y modos de explotación y uso involucrados en la gestión del recurso hídrico subterráneo en un barrio periférico de Tandil -Cerro Los Leones- (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina), que carece de servicios de agua potable y cloacas. Estudios previos demostraron contaminación química y bacteriológica del agua que pone en riesgo la salud de la población. Se caracterizan los modos de uso y explotación del agua, se alando importantes defi ciencias en el dise o, construcción y mantenimiento de perforaciones y sistemas de disposición de efl uentes. Ante la necesidad y el desafío de la gestión integrada del recurso, se plantean linea mientos tendientes a su sustentabilidad, referidos a la planifi cación del uso, el abastecimiento de agua potable, el dise o de perforaciones y la educación ambiental.
Industrias de fundición: aspectos ambientales e indicadores de condición ambiental
Sosa, B. S.,Banda-Noriega, R. B.,Guerrero, E. M.
Revista de Metalurgia , 2013,
Abstract: Nowadays, environmental indicators are widely used as effective tools to assist decision-making in both public and private sectors. The lack of literature and research about local and regional Environmental Condition Indicators (ECI), the poor knowledge regarding solid waste generation, effluents and gas emissions from foundry industries, and their particular location in the urban area of Tandil, Argentina are the main reasons for this investigation, aiming to develop a set a of ECI to provide information about the environment in relation to the foundry industry. The study involves all the foundries located in the city between March and April 2010. The set of ECI developed includes 9 indicators for air, 5 for soil and 1 for water. Specific methodology was used for each indicator. El empleo de indicadores ambientales es, actualmente, una herramienta que colabora en el proceso de toma de decisiones en la gestión de la administración pública y privada. La falta de antecedentes de Indicadores de Condición Ambiental (ICA) en lo regional y local, la información asociada a la generación de residuos, efluentes y emisiones gaseosas provenientes de la industria de fundición, y la particularidad de encontrar a estas industrias en el ámbito urbano en la ciudad de Tandil, Argentina, orientan el principal objetivo del presente trabajo: la construcción de un conjunto de ICA que proporcionen información sobre el estado del ambiente en relación a este tipo de actividad. El campo de la investigación comprendió el total de industrias de fundición de la ciudad en el periodo marzo – abril de 2010. Se generaron ICA para el recurso, aire (9), suelo (5) y agua (1) con metodología adaptada a cada caso particular.
Estudio de genotoxicidad de Picrasma crenata (Vell.) Engl. -Simaroubaceae-
Roldán,Roxana M.; Noriega,Maria F.; Wagner,Marcelo L.; Gurni,Alberto A.; Bassols,Graciela B.;
Acta toxicol?3gica argentina , 2007,
Abstract: infusions of picrasma crenata woods are used in folk medicine against lice and as a non astringent bitter tonic. the active principles responsible for the activity are the quasinoides. the objectives of this work are: to establish the activity of the infusions on the development by roots and the cellular division by means of the test of allium cepa; to analyze the correlation of the concentrations with macro and microscopic parameters and to conclude about the possible genotoxicity of the infusion. the used concentrations were 2.5 mg%; 5,0 mg%, 10,0 mg%, 20,0 mg% and 40,0 mg%. a statistically significant correlation between the concentrations and the roots lengths and macroscopic aberrations and a significant correlation between the mitotic index and the roots lengths and microscopic aberrations have been observed. thus, it is possible to deduce that the extracts in the tested concentrations could present genotoxic activity.
Estudio de genotoxicidad de Picrasma crenata (Vell.) Engl. -Simaroubaceae- Genotoxicity study on Picrasma crenata (Vell.) Engl.-Simaroubaceae-
Roxana M. Roldán,Maria F. Noriega,Marcelo L. Wagner,Alberto A. Gurni
Acta Toxicológica Argentina , 2007,
Abstract: En la medicina popular se utiliza el le o de Picrasma crenata en infusión como pediculicida y como tónico amargo no astringente. Los principios activos responsables de la actividad son los quasinoides. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: determinar la actividad de las infusiones sobre el desarrollo de raíces y la división celular mediante el Test de Allium cepa; analizar la correlación de las concentraciones y los parámetros macro y microscópicos e interpretar la posible genotoxicidad de la infusión. Las concentraciones empleadas fueron 2,5 mg%; 5,0 mg%, 10,0 mg%, 20,0 mg% y 40,0 mg%. Se observó una correlación estadísticamente significativa de las concentraciones con las longitudes de las raíces y las anomalías macroscópicas; además, una correlación significativa de los índices mitóticos con las longitudes de las raíces y las anomalías microscópicas. Así, se puede inferir que los extractos en las concentraciones ensayadas podrían presentar actividad genotóxica. Infusions of Picrasma crenata woods are used in folk medicine against lice and as a non astringent bitter tonic. The active principles responsible for the activity are the quasinoides. The objectives of this work are: to establish the activity of the infusions on the development by roots and the cellular division by means of the Test of Allium cepa; to analyze the correlation of the concentrations with macro and microscopic parameters and to conclude about the possible genotoxicity of the infusion. The used concentrations were 2.5 mg%; 5,0 mg%, 10,0 mg%, 20,0 mg% and 40,0 mg%. A statistically significant correlation between the concentrations and the roots lengths and macroscopic aberrations and a significant correlation between the mitotic index and the roots lengths and microscopic aberrations have been observed. Thus, it is possible to deduce that the extracts in the tested concentrations could present genotoxic activity.
Sociodynamic Counseling: Creativity and Adaptation for the School Counselors  [PDF]
Roxana Axinte
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2019.108074
Abstract: Why do we need sociodynamic counseling? Because it can be an innovative approach for students, and they will feel involved and responsible for the decision they make. This article analyzes the use of the sociodynamic counseling model for the secondary-school students. The central role of the metaphor within the discussions highlights the need for creative skills and attitudes. These are necessary for both the counselor and the youngster who is counseled, but, at the same time, they are not suitable for all subjects. This creative approach, however, does not suit all counselors as a way of approaching the interactive process. The idea of addressing areas of professional activity in a metaphorical manner may be an unusual but also a provocative aspect for students, helping them to reflect more seriously upon their future profession. Traditionally, career counseling was centered on attaining a per—profession match, based on providing objective, statistically validated information, etc. In this paper we will analyze the assertion that this sociodynamic approach is perceived differently by those involved (secondary-school students, counselors). Starting from the premise that each person has a preference for a certain style of work, we will argue (theoretically and practically) that there are gender differences in the application of this type of counseling. We will also show that among the counselors it was found that there are differences, regarding the preference for using the model proposed by us in their current activity. In addition to the subjective options for a particular way of working, there is also an objective factor, i.e. the professional experience, quantified by the years of practice in the field.
Teaching and Teacher Education for Health Professionals: Perspectives on Quality and Outlook of Health Professionals Education in Zambia
SS Banda
Medical Journal of Zambia , 2008,
Abstract: Purpos: To measure students’ perspectives on the teaching quality of the school of medicine at University of Zambia and concurrently measure health professionals educators perspectives on the need for teaching courses for health professionals educators (educational skills training). The results are discussed as indications for educational skills training for educators in health professionals’ education. Method: 250 medical students from the MB ChB programme were surveyed, in an evaluation exercise, to rate the teaching contribution of all the full-time and honorary lecturers (n=88). The students were requested to rate each lecturer out of 10 on eight scales: a) attendance, b) punctuality, c) clarity, d) interest in the subject, e) supportiveness to students, f) ability as a lecturer, g) appropriate use of audiovisual aids, and h) amount of workload done in the academic year. Additionally, a multi-site study surveyed 426 health professionals educators, defined as persons who considered themselves as continually participating in teaching students in a training institutions for health professions in the Country on the necessity for and their willingness to enroll into a teaching programme for health educators. Results: Two hundred students of the eligible 250 completed the evaluation giving a response rate of 80%. The scores for teaching quality ranged from 8/ 40 to 40/40. The mean score was 32.2. The results showed that about 27.2% (n=24) did not meet the merit standard which was set at 30/40 as the quality assurance benchmark by the School. This result suggests that a large proportion of teaching staff could benefit from teacher education. Four hundred and four questionnaires were completed and returned out of the 426 that had been distributed, yielding a response rate of 94.8 %. The Cronbach’s alpha for reliability test was 0.62 – 0.70 on the teaching skills sub-scale and 0.76 – 0.78 on the Educational skills sub-scale. The majority, over 85%, acknowledged they lacked expertise in educational skills and that they would enrol in a programme to improve their educational skills. There was overwhelming (>90%) agreement in topics to be covered. Limitations: Quality of teaching contributions only measured at school of medicine; Large proportion of educators’ survey were not full-time teaching staff. Implications: The belief that professional qualifications are sufficient for preparation for teaching health professionals is now being confronted. Formal systems of teacher education in the health professions have emerged worldwide and are now also available in Zambia.
The Case Anatomical Knowledge Index (CAKI) as a Tool for Selecting Clinical Cases for Clinically Oriented Anatomy Teaching: Approach and Content
SS Banda
Medical Journal of Zambia , 2009,
Abstract: No Key Words: Anatomy, Case Anatomical Knowledge Index (CAKI), Clinical, Clinically Oriented Anatomy Teaching (COAT), Case, Disease, Prevalence
Student Evaluation of Teaching: A Case Study from School of Medicine (UNZA)
SS Banda
Medical Journal of Zambia , 2008,
Abstract: Purpose: This paper presents a case study of an academic department’s experience with evaluation. The purpose is to review the impact of student evaluation of teaching. The paper also introduces a new evaluation scoring method: the University of Zambia Staff Appraisal System (UNZASAS) method. Method: Anonymous 5-point Likert scale evaluation rating forms were administered to 134 third-year medical students in two consecutive years to measure students’ perceptions of teaching quality of four faculty members in an academic department at School of Medicine. The rating forms were scored using the UNZASAS method. Results: The response rate averaged 83%. The group average lecturer rating improved from 120 to 141.5. Individual performance of three lecturers improved while that of one declined. The UNZASAS method was effective in summarizing data to identify the areas of weakness and strength in the faculty members. The specificity and sensitivity of this method were fundamental to its success as a diagnostic tool for formative evaluation of teaching quality. Conclusions & Implications: The quality of teaching in the academic department improved after evaluation of teaching was introduced. The UNZASAS method proved to be an effective tool for scoring evaluation data and for providing faculty with useful and specific formative feedback. Health professionals training institutions can consider using the UNZASAS method for their evaluation of teaching contribution by educators.

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